In this hour the Lord is extending an olive branch (Gen 8:11) to his people.

He is looking to the reformers, the ones who are longing for something they know is possible but have not yet seen or touched.

They know that the only way forward is to respond to His invitation to step into their divine identity as creators, innovators, and leaders, forging a way back to the ancient paths where there is rest for our souls. (Jeremiah 6:16)

It is time now to slow down and catch up with Jesus. To create a place of hope for His people. Spaces that are specifically cultivated for His people to experience Him, encounter family, rest and recreate. A place to be equipped and to be sent in to culture as lovers and redeemers, as God’s representatives – re-presenting Jesus to the world.

Multi -acre property

Self Sufficient abilities

  • Space for irrigated fields to be utilized for livestock and growing spaces.
  • Pond and rain barrels established on the land to create self sustaining water if needed.
  • Onsite data center & Cloud storage.
  • Solar Power and onsite generators.

Retreat Structures

  • Conference Center and Commercial Kitchen
  • Chapel/prayer room.
  • Main residence for property caretaker.
  • 10-20 small cabins depending on properties ability.
  • Building for shared workspace and Business Incubator.


“living in a state of nature and not ordinarily tame or domesticated.”


“the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power.” “timely preparation for future eventualities.”

We believe that it is the providence of God to establish a place of refuge, rest and training for leaders.

The Lord builds from the place of rest and intimacy and He calls His people to do the same. It is “wild” because it is counter culture to the strategies of the world to build from the place of rest and being with Him.

phase 1


Prayer Retreats

Team Building

Family Connection

Rest and Refreshment

Gardens & Ponds

Phase I will include the initial land purchase of the multi-acre property. Additionally our first spring we will cultivate vegetable and prayer gardens, greenhouses and ponds that will provide both a place of resource and beauty for those spending time at Wild Providence.

phase 2

Prayer Room

This would be a dedicated space at Wild Providence for people to experience both live worship and quiet times with the Lord. We love partnering with the local prayer rooms but we also know there is a great value in a private place for leaders to abide with the Lord in stillness and to encounter the presence of God.

Conference Center

Conferences & Special Events

Team Building & Training

Data Storage Space

Shared Workspace & Business Incubator

Shared workspace for small or remote businesses as well as a work space for leaders who are traveling. Space set aside for businesses who would like a place to hear from the Lord, dream, create and build as a team. This space would be multipurpose and can also be used as a business incubator.

Daniel 11:32

…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.

Our “why” at Wild Providence is putting the first things in first place and the Great Commission will be the natural out-flow of our friendship with God and collaboration with others. 

When leaders lead from intimate friendship with God anchored in rest, our divine purpose, passions and gifting flow freely. As we equip, encounter and engage in the Great Commission having a space and a place set apart to train, activate and mobilize leaders from divine rest will push kingdom assignments, callings and mandate to God’s highest and best.


At Wild Providence, we believe that financial partnership and collaboration with other world changing leaders plays a strategic role in kingdom impact in every sphere of society.

We are overjoyed to collaborate and join with you in extending the Kingdom together!


Scott and Michelle Flora, along with their daughter Miriam, currently live in Kansas City where they give leadership to Co-Reign, and spend their time in the Global Prayer Room at the International House of Prayer. They are passionate about raising up families to encounter Jesus together and establish a family altar of worship within their home that overflows into every other area of their lives and ministry. 

Scott and Michelle’s passionate desire is to serve the body of Christ in building a relational and functional bridge for Marketplace Leaders and Intercessors, placing dedicated prayer teams around marketplace messengers that can support the work of kingdom expansion around the world that glorifies God.